Monday, March 7, 2011

You Must Have Way Too Much Time On Your Hands!

Well I'm back again, and like always I'm a little bit pissed! Why am I pissed, inquiring minds might ask, well if you haven't heard due to recent emails from a feminist group MTV has decided to ban showing Kanye West's music video for his song "Monster". In the article I read on the subject the women cited that the video showed misogyny, male chauvinism, and demeans women. Ok, the first thing I said was "Wow, is this video really that bad", and after I watched it the answer is HELL NO! I watched the video and and tried with an open mind to to discern what the feminist group really saw in the video, besides the norm for a rap video,ofcourse at the end of my post I will leave you the link to watch the video to make your own judgment. In my opinion the video was tastefully done and different from what you see from most rap videos where all it is, is the artist in front of the camera with almost bare naked ladies who are just shaking their asses and getting rained on by money(I can't lie I loved the "Tip Drill" video) and nothing else, but in this video it wasn't like that. Most women in the video were completely still, looked beautiful, and did nothing. For the few that were moving there is a scene in which there is kanye is being groped by countless women through a gate but the only thing you can see is their arms, ok so what do I take from that, nothing but the fact that he is ingenious for his imagination, I thought that scene depicted the countless ladies that try to touch him and get with him just because he is a celebrity and let's be honest feminists there are women that are out there like that. Another scene I like and what I think the feminists were most enraged about was the one in which Kanye is in bed with two beautiful women who are perfectly still like mannequins and then he proceeds to put one of the women's arm around the other and that's all. Now I'm won't be oblivious to the fact of how this could look or be perceived as and in the article a quote from a member of the feminist group said that "the video is portraying women as sex dolls" ok ill give that, I can see how you could perceive that, but that your mind nothing in the video speculated sex in that instance and if I remember after he posed them he got up from the bed. If Kanye posing women in a bed is what's getting your blood boiling I hope that you e-mailed every modeling agency because to me thats all these girls were intended to do in this video and if you are taking more away from the video than that then you should evaluate what demeaning means to you. This feminist group has way too much time on their hands and need to pick their battles better. In all honesty if you are e-mailing MTV to ban this video then Fuck you, whoever this group is, unless you also e-mailed them to cancel and take off the show "Teen Mom" because that shit is doing more damage to women then this video ever will. While I'm on the subject Fuck you to MTV, for complying with their request, you will ban his video but not take off a show that glorifies, promotes, and otherwise condones teen pregnancy. I pose this question to the feminist group, If this 4min video is doing harm to women's esteem and class then what the HELL does Teen Mom do to young impressionable girls who watch it and think they can be just like those underage girls who most likely ruined their life by having children before they were ready, and it is being televised so other girls that are that age are thinking hey if they can do it so can I and even be on a tv show. So in conclusion there are bigger issues you could be fighting then a video that in a couple months people will forget, like a disgusting show that I heard just inked a contract for a 3rd season. If you want to see the video and article here is the link. --Big Ish

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