Saturday, March 19, 2011

Don't Get Mad, Just Tag! #

What's good people, it is now time for another dose of ignorance that you have grown so fond of! In my cross-hairs this time are people who suffer from the dreaded #THIRST, before we go on a lot of people may ask themselves what are these terms I will use in this post so before you go on switch over to my inspiration for this blog at and catch up on #BlackTwitter101,it will hip you to the game so you will not feel lost when reading my post.

Ok, I see you are ready and and got the lingo so let's begin. Lately in my TL I have notice a lot of thirst, and it is getting out of control, the thirst I am referring to ofcourse is PEOPLE BEGGING CELEBRITIES FOR RE-TWEETS, I mean C'mon people the last thing I want to see in my TL is someone begging @SnoopDogg or @KanyeWest for a retweet just because you bought their album or liked their last song. Some of you may have fell victim to this thirst and might have asked "hey why is so bad its not like I'm asking to be signed?", which is true but here is the kicker, what type of person are you that just sits around and tweets at their favorite celebs and just waits for a response like that's the highlight of your day, don't you have a job, kids, or school work that is more important that you need to take care of instead of monitoring your TL in the hope that your fav celeb tweets you back even tho they gets hundreds maybe even thousands of tweets at a time. Let me give those who can't picture this a a real life scenario, so I'm at work on break and I pop on to twitter you know just so I can get my daily update and to pass time at the gig and what do I see in my TL but one of the thirstiest tweets that I have seen in awhile, what is that you say, here it is at the top of my TL one "Rt@Sativa: @Wiz_Khalifa hey I just pre-ordered your album "Rollin Papers" can I get a retweet?" Really fam this is how you wanna play yourself cuz I'm not hating the on Wiz at all, I Fuck with Wiz. Let's break this down there is nothing wrong with you tweeting Wiz but why the Fuck do you need him to retweet you just so everyone who follows Wiz like myself has to see that you pre-ordered the abulm in some way proving that you are a bigger fucking fan than us, Fuck you, I bet you were just sitting there by your computer or phone hoping for a notification. So I did my twitterly duty and tagged him with
#AttentionThirst Tweet to let him know there is No Country on my TL for the thirst. He's not the first and and not gonna be the last I have seen a lot of thirst but this is the most recent, so if you see thirst such as this then it is your duty to tag with the #Thirst! --Big_Ish

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