Monday, April 25, 2011

I Can't Chill on This Anymore!!

      What's good students? Sorry for my lack of posting but I only try to give you the most ignorant things possible as an educator and I think I done it this time. So class is in session and I'm furious! This post was supposed to come out awhile back but I decided that at some point they would lose steam(They did not) so I just can't sit back and let these two shows Cook anymore. The shows I am referring to are "TeenMom" and "16andPregnant"! If you are a good student and have done your reading then you have seen me take shots at these shows before in another post. Earlier this month was the season premier of "16andPregnant" and guess what happened..... nothing! I was outraged that there was no outrage, I mean come on republicans want to cut funding to plan parenthood but won't cut this show the HELL off the air! Some of you may say "But Big Ish, don't you think it is helping shed light on the problem of teen pregnancy and deterring girls from doing it?" To you my answer is HELL NO! I back this up with my opinion formed from watching both shows and seeing nothing to suggest that these shows are actually deterring girls from doing this. The episodes I have seen so far have never focused on the protection and prevention as much as they focused on the problem of the relationship between the girl and the guy and their parents. While that is a big part of it, I do not think its as important as outwardly saying hey teenagers how bout you have safe sex(not going to say abstinence because I'm not going to preach not having sex). With all the things in this world that we fight about like rap lyrics, grown ups having sex in movies, and anti-gay slurs on tv(C'Mon Kobe you can't be doing that bro) but yet when it come to our young people having kids light years before they are ready and and then broadcasting it for the world to see, we collectively take a back seat. I will no longer sit by and not voice my opinion I think these shows are a window for young people to look through and and say "Hey, whats so bad about having a kid right now, at least I can get a show right?" And I don't think MTV is doing enough to say hey you should not be getting pregnant or trying to get pregnant so early. I really feel that these show may incidently give the wrong impression that teen pregnancy is no big deal and you can count on your parents or you can find a job and take care of your child while only making minimum sacrifices. Please MTV just get these shows off of tv and apologize to the nation for allowing it to make celebrities out of teenagers who should still be enjoying their childhood, not parenting a child when they are still one themselves!

 -- @Big_Ish

a VERY SPECIAL FUCK YOU to the teen mom that I heard was in Broad Ripple not to long ago partying it up, BITCH TAKE YO ASS HOME AND TAKE CARE OF YOUR BABY!!!

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