Friday, April 8, 2011

Friendship Request IGNORED!

Whats good students? If you are still rocking with us over here at Ignorant Education we thank you! Now it is time to give you what you came to the website for, some more of that Ignorant Stuff you love!

This Subject has been on my mind for sometime now, I just never really knew how to express it. It something that has been pissing off me and J. Hooks, and now i have a way to get it of my chest. What I am referring to of course are people on Facebook who don't use their real names. We all have seen it, and you may be one of the people I am referring to. I can't tell you how many times I go to my friend requests and see such gems as; "ThugMotivation Jones", MissPretty Bitch Jenkins", or "MoneyMonsterColdhearted Brown" just to name a few. When I seen these I said to myself, have we learned nothing from Myspace on what not to do on social media sites? When i was younger and by younger i mean 5years ago in the age of Myspace, I had a dumb ass name like "Ishmale DoinBigThings Hinton" and I thought i was killing the game until one of my teachers said, "What will your future employer think if he/she sees this?"

After that i just went and just put up my regular name, and then I upgraded to Facebook thinking that it will be different and I can start anew. I was wrong, when you give dumb people a way to express themselves they will use it in the dumbest way possible.


Now look at these profile names, ARE YOU SERIOUS? It really bugs me to know that people just cant use their real names for the most part. I don't even know who these people are when they request me as a friend now a days. When I see profiles like these in my request page I hit ignore with Extreme Prejudice! If you don't respect yourself enough to use your real name and not something ridiculous like these examples I just showed you, then why should I respect you enough to add your ass as a friend? There have been times where since I did know the person I accepted them but now I'm going through my friends and deleting anyone one who cant use their real names.

Its not because I want to, but because I have to. Your name means a lot in this world and if you don't or won't understand that or you want to change yours be my guest. In the end it is your profile(the people with these names are more than likely the same people with the most damaging things on there profile and normally not set to private) that your future employers or co-workers can see, not mine.

(This does not mean anything for Twitter, just keep it simple if your name doesn't fit)
--@Big Ish

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